Rose Costa Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Rose Costa

Rose Costa is a rising modeling and digital content creation star. Hailing from Brazil, she has captured the attention of many with her stunning looks and captivating Instagram feed. However, there is more to this beautiful lady than meets the eye. With her talent and hard work, Rose has made a name for herself in the industry and gained a loyal following of fans. In addition to her successful career, Rose has also been in the public eye for her past relationship with actor and singer James Marsden. As we look ahead to 2024, seeing what this talented and ambitious young woman will achieve will be exciting. Stay tuned for a closer look at Rose Costa’sCosta’sareer, family, net worth, and height.

Who is Rose Costa?

Rose Costa is a very special lady from a place filled with sunshine and smiles called Brazil. Imagine if you could wear fancy dresses and take pictures that everyone loves to see – that’s what she does! AShe’sl means she gets to show off cool clothes and looks pretty for the camera. Plus,

she shares her adventures and fun outfits on the internet for people to see. Rose used to be the girlfriend of a famous actor and singer, James Marsden, which interested many people in her. But even without that, she’s amazing for all the fun and stylish things she does. She loves to share her life and brighten everyone’s beautiful pictures.


Birthday date:
March 09, 1988
1 million
 Rose Costa

Rose Costa  Early Life and Education

Costa was a little girl, not much older than you, Rose started school just like you. She attended a school near her home where she learned to read, write, and make friends. Rose liked school a lot because it was a place where she could learn new things every day,

like how numbers work and why the sky is blue. She also enjoyed drawing and playing during her breaks. The school was where Rose began dreaming about the future, imagining all the fun and exciting things she could do when she grew up. She didn’t know that she would become a model, but school helped her prepare for all the adventures waiting for her.

Rose Costa

Rose Costa  parents and siblings

Rose Costa has a family just like you and me! She was born to a mom and a dad who live in Brazil, a colorful and vibrant place far away. Rose also might have brothers or sisters, but it’s a secret story she hasn’t had much about.

Imagine having siblings to play with, share secrets, and maybe even borrow clothes from if they are! Families are special, and Rose’s Rose’s helped her become the wonderful person she is today, sharing love and support along her journey. Isn’t it not to think about how our families help us grow?

Rose Costa  Husband and Boyfriend

Rose Costa has a story that includes a special friend named James Marsden. James is not just any friend; he’s an ancestor and singer, like the people you see in movies or hear on the radio! Once upon a time, Rose and James were more than just friends—they were a couple, which means they liked each other a lot and spent lots of time together.

But just like in some stories, their adventure as a couple ended. Rose is now living her life full of fun and fashion and sharing it with the world. She hasn’t had much time to have a husband, so she’s being independent and focusing on her career and hobbies.

Rose Costa  Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Rose Costa is a beautiful model from a sunny place called Brazil. She’s not up, but just like everyone, she was once a little kid, too! Rose is tall enough to be a model, which means she’s ashe’staller than most people you might know.

She keeps herself healthy and strong, which is important when you’re wearing different clothes and looking good. Rose has a lovely smile and long hair that she sometimes styles in fun ways for her pictures. She loves caring for her body by eating yummy fruits and veggies and staying active. Everyone is unique, and Rose shows us that being yourself is the best way to be!

Rose Costa  Career

Rose Costa is someone many people look up to because she does a job that seems like a lot of fun. She is a model, which means she gets to wear lots of different clothes and pose for pictures that people see in magazines or on the internet. Rose also creates content for the web, sharing bits of her life and fashion tips with everyone who follows her.

Imagine getting dressed up in fancy outfits and showing them off to the world – that’s what she does! Rose has worked with some important fashion brands, helping them show how cool their clothes and products are. It’s liIt’slaying dress-up but for a big audience who can’t can’t see what she’ll she’ll!

Rose Costa  Before fame

Rose Costa became famous and many people liked her photos on the internet, she was just like any other girl. She grew up in a beautiful place called Brazil, with many beaches and sunshine. As a little girl, Rose loved playing dress-up and taking pictures, but she didn’t have any followers on Instagram yet because she was still learning and growing.

She went to school, spent time with her family, and had fun with her friends. Even though we see her as a model and digital creator now, Rose started just like anyone else, with dreams and a love for pretty things. She worked hard and believed in herself, which helped her get to where she is today!

Rose Costa  Social Media Presence

Rose Costa is very popular on the internet, especially on Instagram. It’s it’s a big online photo album where she shares pictures of her adventures, pretty outfits, and fun moments. Imagine a book filled with colorful pages; instead, it’s on its computer or phone.

Rose has many friends on Instagram who love to see what she’s doing. They give her hearts and write nice messages under her photos. It’s showing a gold star sticker for something cool that she shared! She uses Instagram to spread happiness and show the beautiful things she does daily.

Rose Costa  Net Worth and Achievements

Rose Costa has done some cool things in her work as a model. She has been in magazine photos and worked with brands to show off their clothes and products, which is a big deal! People enjoy seeing her style and how she puts outfits together. Talking about money, it’s a trick because only some people say exactly how much they earn.

But because Rose is good at what she does and has worked with some big names, she probably saved a lot of money. She has yet to win any awards, but how she inspires people and makes them happy by sharing her life and fashion might be considered a big achievement all by itself!

Rose Costa  Legacy and Impact

Rose Costa is a special person who shows everyone how important it is to follow your dreams. Even though she comes from Brazil, a faraway place, she has shown that with hard work and love for what you do, you can touch the hearts of many people worldwide.

By sharing her life, adventures, and fashion sense on Instagram, she inspires others to be brave, try new things, and be happy with who they are. Rose reminds us that being kind and having fun while doing what you love can make a big difference. She shows us that it’s okay to dream big and share your joy with others.


  • Rose loves going to the beach to play in the sand and listen to the ocean waves. 
  • Eating chocolate is one of her favorite treats. She thinks it’s suit’syummy.
  • She enjoys taking lots of pictures, not just for her job but for fun too.
  • Traveling is exciting for Rose. She likes to see new places and learn about how people live in different parts of the world. 
  • Dressing up in cool outfits is something she loves. She has fun mixing and matching clothes. – Playing with puppies makes her very happy.
  • She loves their cute faces and soft fur.  Reading stories is another hobby of hers.
  • She likes to get lost in adventures and fairy tales.

Favorite Thing

  • Rose loves the beach. She enjoys feeling the sand between her toes and listening to the waves.
  • She’s a she’s a fan of chocolate. It’s them to treat when she wants something sweet.
  • Taking pictures is her job and something she likes doing. She always has her camera ready.
  • Rose also enjoys traveling. She likes to visit new places and learn about different cultures. 
  • Fashion is a big part of her life. She loves trying on new outfits and matching different pieces together. – Animals, especially puppies, make her heart happy.
  • She loves playing and cuddling with them. – Lastly, she enjoys reading.
  • Whether it’s an it’sy tale or an adventure story, she loves getting lost in books.

Interesting Facts About

  • Rose is from Brazil, which is far away and very beautiful.
  • She loves to take pictures and share them on Instagram, a place on the internet where you can see what your friends are doing.
  • Rose once dated a famous actor named James Marsden, who is in movies. 
  • She is known for being stylish and showing off her cool outfits online.
  • Rose has a big following on Instagram; many people like to see her photos and what she does every day.
  • Even though she’s she’s for her pictures, Rose also likes to do normal things like you, like enjoying her hobbies.
  • She inspires people with her fashion and the beautiful places she visits.


What does Rose Costa do?

Rose Costa is a model from Brazil. She takes pictures and shares them on Instagram, where people can see them.

How do people know Rose Costa?

People know her because she shares her life on the internet, and she was once the girlfriend of a famous person named James Marsden.

Is Rose Costa famous on the internet?

Yes, Rose Costa is famous on the internet. She has many people who like to see her pictures and know about her life.

Does Rose Costa have any hobbies?

Yes, Rose Costa has hobbies just like you and me. She likes to do fun things in her free time, but we are still determining exactly what they are like in this part. 


In our story about Rose Costa, we learned a lot. She is from Brazil and is known for being a model and showing her life on Instagram. People also know her because she was once the girlfriend of a famous actor, James Marsden. Rose has done many things in her career, like modeling and sharing her life with us online.

She also has hobbies and things she likes a lot, just like you and me. Even though we didn’t know every tiny detail, we discovered that Rose is a very interesting person with many fans. Remember, everyone has their own story, just like Rose Costa, and learning about them is a fruit!


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