Xavier Alexander Wahlberg Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Xavier Alexander Wahlberg

Xavier Alexander Wahlberg is a young American boy who is making a name for himself in the music industry. His name is Xavier Alexander Wahlberg, and he was born on March 4, 1993. Xavier’s parents are Donnie Wahlberg, a famous actor, and Kimberly Fey.

Xavier is following in his father’s footsteps and is passionate about music. He even used to be a member of a Metal Band! At just 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighing 143 pounds, Xavier is a self-dependent young man. His estimated net worth is $1 million, which is impressive for someone his age. We can’t wait to see Xavier’s future in the music world!

Who is Xavier Alexander Wahlberg?

Xavier Alexander Wahlberg is a young man with a big love for music. His dad is a famous actor, and his mom’s name is Kimberly. He was part of an excellent Metal Band where he played loud and fun music.

Xavier Alexander Wahlberg

Xavier enjoys trying new things and has many hobbies. He spends time with his family and friends, doing activities they all enjoy. Xavier dreams of making it big in the music world and works daily to make it happen. He shows us that following our dreams and having fun is very important.


Full name
Xavier Alexander Wahlberg
Date of birth
4 March 1993
31 years old (as of 2024)
Zodiac sign
Place of birth
Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Current residence
Los Angeles, California, United States of America

Real Name

Xavier Alexander Wahlberg’s real name is exactly how it sounds – Xavier Alexander Wahlberg! Just like you have your very own unique name, Xavier has his. His mom and dad gave him this name when he was born.

He shares a name with his family, making it extra special. When you hear his name, you might think of his love for music or how he enjoys spending time with his family. Every time Xavier’s name is said, it’s a reminder of who he is and all the fun things he likes to do!

The Early Years of Xavier Alexander Wahlberg

When Xavier Alexander Wahlberg was a little boy, he lived a life of fun and music. Born into a family that loved music and acting, Xavier quickly found joy in sounds and rhythms. As a young kid, he listened to many songs and even tried playing different instruments.

Imagine him tapping and making music with anything he could find as a little boy! His early years were filled with laughter, music, and love from his family. Xavier’s childhood was happy, surrounded by tunes and melodies that helped him dream big for the future.

Parents and Siblings

Xavier’s dad is Donnie Wahlberg, who is a very famous actor. You might have seen him on TV or in movies! His mom’s name is Kimberly Fey.

They both love Xavier very much. Xavier has a brother, too. Imagine having a brother to play and share your toys with! Xavier and his brother can have fun together, like playing games or making music. It’s great to have family members to spend time with and to share your dreams and adventures.

Wife and Girlfriend

Currently, Xavier doesn’t have a wife or a girlfriend we know about. He’s focused on his music and spending time with his family and friends. You might have special friends you like to play and hang out with, but Xavier also enjoys being around people he cares about.

It’s important to remember that having friends is a beautiful part of life, and one day, when Xavier is ready, he might share stories about a girlfriend or wife. But for now, he’s busy making music and having fun!


As of now, Xavier Alexander Wahlberg doesn’t have any children. Like in some stories where characters go on adventures, make music, or explore new things, Xavier is on his adventure. He’s focusing on creating tunes and enjoying life’s journey.

In the big world of music and dreams, Xavier is like a character in a story, busy learning and growing each day. So, for now, the chapter about children in Xavier’s storybook of life is waiting to be written in the future.

Xavier Alexander Wahlberg Physical Attributes – Height and Weight

Xavier Alexander Wahlberg is not very tall but not too short, just like many heroes in our favourite stories. He stands 5 feet 6 inches tall, meaning you might catch his smile when you look up.

He weighs 143 pounds, like if you imagine a big dog that’s all cuddly and strong. This tells us Xavier is just right for playing his guitar and rocking out on stage with his band. Remember, everyone’s different, but our unique sizes and strengths help us do the things we love!

Xavier Alexander Wahlberg Before Fame

Before Xavier became known for loving music and being in a Metal Band, he was like any other kid. He went to school, played, and had fun learning new things every day. Imagine Xavier as a young boy, maybe even your age, discovering his love for music for the first time.

He might have listened to songs, tapped his feet, and thought, “I want to make music too!” This was a particular time for Xavier, filled with dreams and the beginning steps towards becoming the musician he wished to be.

Xavier Alexander Wahlberg Career

Xavier is on an exciting journey in music. He used to play in a metal band, which meant he got to play loud and exciting music with his friends. Even though we don’t know every song he has played, we can imagine him rocking out and having a great time.

He loves music, and he’s working hard to make more of it. He’s a music explorer, always finding new tunes and beats to share. Xavier’s adventure in music is just starting, and there are so many songs he has yet to play!

Xavier Alexander Wahlberg Net Worth and Financial Independence

Xavier has saved some money from making music and playing in his band, which is excellent! He has about 1 million dollars. That’s like if you had a giant piggy bank full of coins and dollar bills. Imagine having enough money to buy lots of toys and games and help out your family.

Xavier is working hard on his music so he can save even more money and be able to take care of himself. It’s like being a superhero of your own life, using your talents to do great things!

Xavier Alexander Wahlberg Nationality And Religion

Xavier Alexander Wahlberg was born in the United States, so he’s American, just like many of you reading this! Being American means he comes from a place with many different people and traditions. Regarding religion, people believe in other things and celebrate them in various ways.

Xavier’s family might have their own beliefs, just like your family might have yours. It’s like when some friends celebrate different holidays or traditions–it makes everyone’s stories unique and exciting. Like all of us, Xavier’s story includes where he’s from and what he believes.

Xavier Alexander Wahlberg The Wahlberg Legacy

The Wahlberg family is like a big tree with many branches that have grown in many exciting directions! Like Xavier is making music, his dad, Donnie Wahlberg, became famous for acting in movies and singing in a band. The Wahlbergs are known for being good at their work, whether making music, acting, or cooking! Yes, they’re involved in making yummy foods, too.

Imagine having a family where everyone is good at different things – from playing instruments to acting on TV and making delicious meals. That’s what the Wahlberg family does! They all share their talents with the world, just like Xavier shares his music. Just like any family, they support each other’s dreams. Isn’t that cool? The Wahlbergs show us that with hard work and support from our loved ones, we can achieve our dreams and maybe even start our legacy!

Xavier Alexander Wahlberg Future Plains

Xavier Alexander Wahlberg has many dreams for his future. He loves making music and used to play in a Metal Band. Imagine him on a big stage with bright lights, playing his guitar and singing songs that excite everyone! Xavier wants to keep creating music that people enjoy. He also looks forward to learning more about different kinds of music and instruments.

One day, you’ll hear a new song on the radio and find out it’s by Xavier! Plus, he hopes to travel to new places and meet other people who love music just as much as he does. Xavier’s adventure in the world of music is just beginning, and so many possibilities are waiting for him.


  • Xavier Alexander Wahlberg loves music a lot. He likes to play instruments and sing songs.
  • He was in a Metal Band, which means he enjoys playing loud and fast music.
  • Apart from music, Xavier also spends time doing other fun activities. He might like to read books, play video games, or go outside to play sports.
  • Sometimes, he could be seen trying new things unrelated to music. This shows he likes to learn and be good at different stuff.
  • Xavier Alexander Wahlberg enjoys spending time with his family and friends too. They could be doing anything fun together, like watching movies, going to the park, or hanging out.

Interesting Facts About Xavier Alexander Wahlberg 

  • Xavier Alexander Wahlberg dad is a famous actor named Donnie Wahlberg.
  • He loves music and has played in a metal band.
  • Xavier Alexander Wahlberg enjoys doing lots of fun things, not just music. He likes playing games and sports and trying new activities.
  • He is pretty tall, standing at 5 feet 6 inches. 
  • Xavier has dark brown hair and eyes, making him look like his dad. 
  • Even though he’s still working on his music career, he already has some money saved, about $1 million.
  • Xavier spends lots of time with his family and friends, watching movies or going to the park.


Do you have questions about Xavier Alexander Wahlberg? Let’s find some simple answers!

Who is Xavier Alexander Wahlberg?

Xavier is the son of a famous actor named Donnie Wahlberg and Kimberly Fey. He loves music and was in a Metal Band.

How old is Xavier?

Xavier was born on March 4, 1993, which makes him 30 years old.

Is Xavier tall?

Yes, he is! Xavier stands at 5 feet 6 inches tall.

What colour are Xavier’s hair and eyes?

He has dark brown hair and eyes like his dad.

Does Xavier have any brothers or sisters?

This section still needs to be written, so we’re unsure.

What does Xavier like to do for fun?

Xavier loves playing music, especially loud and fast songs. He also enjoys playing games, sports, and hanging out with his friends and family. Remember, Xavier is working hard on his music and has saved some money from his career. If you’re curious, let’s explore that in another section!


Xavier Alexander Wahlberg is a particular person with a big love for music. He tries his best in everything he does, whether playing in a band or spending time with his family and friends. Xavier is still working on making his music career dream come true, and he has a lot of fun along the way.

He enjoys playing instruments, being part of a Metal Band, and other activities that make him happy. Xavier’s story shows us that it’s essential to keep trying and to do what we love. Like Xavier, we can find joy in our hobbies and those we care about.


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